Monday, October 17, 2011


Once upon a time, in a city known all over the world, there was a Family named Avalos, that added a girl.  
Bella is a beauty, and the family is happy as could be. 
Especially mommies who got a mini-me.
As busy as families are today, with jobs, caring for kids, sports & school events, it's no surprise that this family with little learners, put their photo ops on the back burner.  Lets see, We need:  1 year old pics with lots of licks...
 big brother has just turned 7,and boy is he in heaven.
Of course we need that money shot of the cute tot.
  Because is thinking ahead to holidays, not yet here.  Which has Bella in a bit of fear.
Don't worry Bella, Alexander doesn't know how to turn the stove on.  Isn't that right Mom?  Besides Bella appears to be the perfect Sous Chef. She did discovered a sticker that was left.
Ok I'm exhausted "big sigh", just in time because, you know who, is about to cry!
Alright time to make up.  Alexander...
Great time to parta...hay hay
Don't be bashful Bella! 
That's it.  Now one more family shot...Or not?

Hey, Come on kids the parents are showing you up ! Whaz's sup?

Ok, so Bella needs a bit more practice.  Now, lets give it all you've got. 
Show me what's hot.
Perfection. Oh, and nice selection. A dream Team in Jeans.