Monday, October 4, 2010

Saluting My Favorite Subject

I suppose my favorite person to photography is a WWII Veteran named Mike DiDomenico. Though he is small in stature, his pride and presence make him stand out in a crowd.  He's 95 now, but he was 84 when I first started photographing him at ceremonies honoring our veterans.  You can tell by his face that he has lived an honorable life.  I fell blessed to know him, and even more blessed to call him my "Pappa"

1 comment:

A Proud Father said...

Of all the media in the world, it is all too true, and it stands alone, that "a picture speaks a thousand words." I have seen these photographs before yet I never grow tired of looking at them over and over again. If this man was an absolute stanger, which he actually is to me, rather than your father, it would make no difference. I don't see them and think to myself, there is Debra's dad. No, what I see is the essence of a man with stories untold, one who wears his patriotism aloud and boldly, one who represents a generation never to be repeated. In his expression, and his every wrinkle, he is man who needs no introduction to anyone who is understanding of life in its truest sense. Your work is an absolute pleasure to share in, and I always look forward to the next opportunity. Sincerely yours, a fan.